China and the U.S. are the biggest developing and developed countries in the world,and also are the top 2 economies and GHG emitters. Therefore,they play important roles in the course of international cooperation on climate change. In November 2014,China and the U.S. published the Joint Statement on Climate Change,which was aimed at providing impetus to the negotiation process,announcing the respective post-2020 goals,and strengthening the bilateral cooperation. In September 2015,the first U.S.-China Climate-Smart/Low-Carbon Cities Summit was held in Los Angeles and the two Governments announced a new joint statement several days later during the state visit of President Xi to the U.S.,which further explored the consensus between the two countries,promoted domestic actions,enhanced bilateral and international cooperation as well as the support for developing countries. The willingness and leadership reflected by the bilateral cooperation between China and the U.S. are crucial to raise the confidence in combating global climate change,to facilitate the negotiation,and to promote further cooperation. Combating climate change has aso become a highlight in China-U.S. relationship and the cooperation will bring positive atmosphere to the regional and global development. Particularly,the extended consensus at this specific moment between China and the U.S. will contribute a lot to the success of Paris.
Keywords: | Climate ChangeParis AgreementChina-U.S. CooperationCommon but Differentiated Responsibilities |