国家自主决定贡献(Intended Nationally Determined Contributions,本文以下简称INDC)进程是具有代表性的以“自下而上”方式推进全球气候治理制度构建的方式,也是当前围绕巴黎协议谈判以及2020年后国际气候制度的核心热点问题。与在《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《京都议定书》框架下,发达国家和发展中国家依据“共同但有区别的责任和各自能力原则”,承担具有显著“二分法”性质的承诺与行动不同,INDC进程体现了发达国家与发展中国家共同承担,并依据各自能力与责任自我区别的性质,对于全球气候治理制度构建的影响深远。INDC内容本身所涉及的范围、力度、法律效力及其实施保障等,对于达成全面、平衡、可持续实施和有力度的全球气候治理制度也形成诸多挑战。
Intended Nationally Determined Contribution(INDC)is a typical process of advancing the global climate regime by the bottom-up approach,and it is also the core issue in climate change negotiation for a global deal in Paris and beyond. Under the framework of UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol,developed and developing countries are taking polarized commitments and actions,according to their common but differentiated responsibilities. On the contrary,the INDC process reflects a trend of common actions by developed and developing countries together,in the light of their respective capabilities and self-differentiation. The INDC process will have a major influence on advancing the global climate regime. Meanwhile,key contents as reflected by the scope,ambition,legal force and enforcement mechanism in INDCs from parties will also raise challenges for a comprehensive,balanced,ambitious future global climate regime,as well as for its sustained implementation.
Keywords: | Global GovernanceClimate ChangeMitigationIntended Nationally Determined Contribution(INDC)Paris Climate Deal |