Climate tipping points are irreversible and difficult to predict,and there is domino effects between them. One study has found that five tipping points are already in danger zones and have been or will soon be crossed. The five dangerous tipping points are Greenland ice sheet collapse,West Antarctic ice sheet collapse,Boreal permafrost abrupt thaw,Low-latitude coral reefs die-off,and Labrador Sea/subpolar gyre convection collapse. There are 11 tipping points that may be triggered. A lately research indicates that the Tibetan Plateau may be a completely new tipping element and is already in a triggered state. In order to reverse the unfavorable situation of climate tipping points being triggered and promote the global climate scientific governance,it is urgently necessary for the entire society to undergo an rapid low-carbon transformation to avoid global climate crisis,to strengthen climate change mitigation actions to avoid a rebound in greenhouse gas emissions,to implement transformation adaptation to reduce the risk of climate tipping points,to measure the progress made in adaptation and adjust adaptation actions in time.