《2006 IPCC国家温室气体清单指南的2019精细化》的发布标志着IPCC国家清单指南方法学得到了进一步统一和细化。新产品在清单共性问题和能源活动、IPPU、AFOLU和废弃物清单编制核算方法及缺省排放因子确定方面体现了2006年以来的科学进展,提高了清单编制的完整性和准确性,同时也为《巴黎协定》及其实施细则中透明度规则的“并轨”提供了基础。对我国而言,一方面我国面临着清单编制方法学的“转轨”的挑战;另一方面,清单编制完整性的提高对我国的温室气体排放总量也将产生明显的影响,以能源部门最为显著。同时,方法学的完善也有助于我国应对气候变化工作与其他工作的协同推进。建议我国在组织机构建设、国别数据库建设等方面加大工作力度。
The publishing of 2019 Refinement to the 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories shows the progress on exiting guidance since 2006 in general guidance and reporting,energy,IPPU,AFOLU and waste,by updating of existing methods and default emission factors,providing new methods and factors for new categories. By this regard,the completeness and accuracy of the national inventory would be significantly improved. Meanwhile,the new product could help the uniformity of the transparency rules under Paris Agreement and its implementation framework. China will have to shift to the new methodology,which may challenge the existing system. At the same time,the improvement on completeness will have noticeable impact on the volume of the total GHG emissions from China. Energy would be sector that witness the big change in emission number. Simultaneously,the improved guidance is helpful to push the coordination between climate change process and other works.
Keywords: | IPCCGuidanceNational GHG Inventory |