新上任的欧委会主席冯德莱恩在《欧洲绿色协议》(European Green Deal)中提出宏大目标:2050年欧洲将成为世界首个“碳中和”大洲,实现绿色低碳转型。鉴于欧盟在全球气候治理中具有一定的影响力,这一战略必将在中长期内对中欧气候变化合作产生影响。展望中欧气候变化合作前景,有几点值得关注和重视:第一,中欧双方均受新冠肺炎疫情的严重冲击和影响,但加强中欧气候变化合作仍是中欧峰会的主要议题和深化中欧关系的重点领域;第二,欧洲绿色新政将给中欧气候变化合作带来新的挑战,中方必须审慎考虑积极应对;第三,欧洲绿色新政将推动欧盟气候治理手段由市场规制向法律规制转型,引领全球气候变化领域的新一轮规制建设;第四,欧洲绿色新政设立的“转型资金公平供给机制”将加快高碳地区的产业转型和去碳化进程,为不同资源禀赋地区提供公平发展新机遇。在欧洲绿色新政下中欧在气候变化上具有合作潜力。
The European Green deal,a development strategy launched by the new EU commission,clearly proposes that the EU will become the first “carbon neutral” world continent in 2050 and accelerate EU transformation to green and low-carbon society. Given the EU’ leadership on global climate governance,this strategy will have an impact on China EU cooperation on climate change in the medium and long term. Looking forward to the prospects of EU-China climate change cooperation,there are several points worthy of attention. First,China and the EU both have been seriously impacted and affected by COVID-19 pandemic,but strengthening their cooperation on climate change is still a major issue of EU-China summit;Second,European green deal will bring new challenges to China EU cooperation on climate change. China must carefully consider and actively respond to it. Third,the European green new deal will promote the transformation of EU climate governance from market regulation to legal system,and lead a new round of regulation setting on global climate change;Fourth,the Just Transition Mechanism designed by the European green deal will accelerate the industrial transformation and decarbonisation for high-carbon emission regions,and provide new opportunities for fair development in regions with different resource endowment. China and EU have great potential for cooperation on climate change under the European green deal.