In order to resolve the maladministration which the welfare state had produced very large government bureaucracies,New Zealand created the Office of Ombudsman under the Parliamentary Commissioner(Ombudsman)Act 1962,following the Danish example. Ombudsman’s jurisdiction is to handle complaints and investigate the administrative conduct of state sector agencies,including in relation to official information requests. It also encourages people to report serious wrongdoing in their workplace by providing protection for employees who want to “blow the whistle”. Ombudsmen have power to monitor places of detention,and the implementation of the UN Disabilities Convention and also could provide advice,guidance and training to state sector agencies,and work to build awareness of our role in the wider community. New Zealand’s Ombudsman institution is to safeguard the rights of citizens by establishing a supervisory agency independent of the executive branch. It developed an effective way to resolve complains with informal and flexible ways,not the statuary power,which emphasized mediation and negotiation rather than investigation and recommendation. New Zealand’s Ombudsmen engage in an independent and impartial investigator not an advocate.
Keywords: | Anti-corruptionNew ZealandOmbudsman |