From the early years of the UN drug control system,drug policy metrics and the associated measurement of what has become known somewhat vaguely as the ‘World Drug Problem’ has been dominated by flows,scale and process. The increasing prominence of the intersection between drug policy and human rights in international drug policy discourse,systemwide programmes like the Sustainable Development Agenda and soft law instruments such as the Outcome Document of the UN General Assembly Special Session on drugs(UNGASS),however,generate pressure to review such an approach. It seems clear that there is a growing need to refocus attention towards metrics and indicators that relate more specifically to drug policy outcomes and the myriad human rights dimensions of drug policy. While not an easy task,it is suggested here that a potentially productive way forward is to revise the United Nation’s Office of Drugs and Crime(UNODC)Annual Report Questionnaire(ARQ). In light of the current review process,the ARQ could be brought more into line with the UNGASS Outcome Document and strengthened by drawing on expertise of other parts of the UN system,particularly the Office of the High Commission on Human Rights(OHCHR). Use of existing non-traditional data sets,including those relating to the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs),could also help broaden the scope of the existing measurement processes and help make it more fit for purpose.
Keywords: | Human RightsUnited Nations Drug Policy MeasurementOutcome Document of the Special Session of the General Assembly on Drugs |