Notwithstanding its own tradition and strength,while facing global and domestic challenges,higher education in France is hindered from fully playing its role by its limitations such as the complexity of education system,the relative isolation of teaching and research,ect.. Since the beginning of the 21st century,the regroupment of French public universities has been supported in legislation,policy and finance by the French government,in order to improve the competitiveness of higher education,enhancing teaching through research,and promoting technology innovation. The Initiative d’excellence has made certain advances. However,for various reasons,the regroupment plans have run into difficulties. The French government has made enormous efforts to increase the autonomy of public universities so as to enhance international visibility and influence while keeping the traditional characteristics of the French higher education. As the reform deepens,the difficulties and challenges become more and more severe. The strategy of French government—levering social development by higher education and research reforms—remains an arduous task to accomplish.