本文以2013~2017年《世界华文教育年鉴》收录的期刊论文和学位论文为样本,运用共词分析方法对我国华文教育研究的热点和未来发展方向进行了探究。经过统计分析发现,当前的研究热点是华文教学领域,包括“华文教学” “教材设计” “华文学校”等关键词;研究的前沿是华文学习领域,主要围绕华文学习的基本要素探究华文学习的媒介、资源以及有效学习的策略与方式等;目前华文教育研究重点关注的区域是泰国、印度尼西亚和马来西亚等东南亚国家,今后一段时间内的研究重心可能会向菲律宾、新加坡等国家转移。
This paper has detected the hot topics and future directions of Chinese language and culture education research in China,by using co-word analysis of the journal articles and dissertations from the Yearbook of World Chinese Language and Culture Education 2013-2017.Through statistical analysis,we find that Chinese language and culture teaching are the main topics at present,which include “Chinese language and culture teaching”,“Textbook design”,“Overseas Chinese”,“Chinese language school” and other key words;And also,we find that the research frontier is the Chinese language and culture learning field,which analyzes the basic learning elements,such as learning medium,learning resources,effective learning strategies and so on.At the same time,we have detected that Thailand,Indonesia and Malaysia are the focus areas of Chinese education and culture education research,and Philippines and Singapore may shift to center topics in the future research.