This paper organically summarizes the natural advantages of Khorgos with China's special policy regime for Special Economic Zones,and stresses the importance of various projects in the Sino-Kazakh Khorgos International Centre of Boundary Cooperation,as well as the need to effectively implement Khorgos’ development in certain areas,such as infrastructure facilities,major projects,industrial planning,logistics clearance procedures,business enterprises,promotion and so on.Khorgos’ comprehensive development and economic strength also needs to be continuously strengthened in the following aspects:infrastructure facilities,human resources,social welfare,medical services,educational services,technology resources and so on.Combined with reasonable industrial support,communications support,Sino-Western cultural cross-fertilization,attractions for the Chinese consumer and free-trade policy support,the maturation and development of such elements will help establish Khorgos as an international logistics port,financial center,aviation hub,communications hub and tourist destination,allowing the city to be a unique international focal point for the “Silk Road Economic Belt”.