Under the very complicated economic conditions at home and abroad,in the first half of 2018,China’s total employment,unemployment rate,market supply and demand all show that the employment situation remains stable and has a positive trend. Entrepreneurship-driven employment has become an important driving force for employment growth. It is expected that the goal of employment work will be completed in an all-round way. However,we still need to see that the current employment pattern is further divided in regional and industrial areas,and the problem of high-tech “labor shortage” still exists. Next,how to actively,scientifically and effectively deal with potential employment challenges such as trade frictions,scientific and technological innovation revolution,and fertility policy adjustment,in order to achieve higher quality and full employment,we need to pay attention to the mutual promotion of full employment and high quality employment,increase the support for innovation and entrepreneurship,and improve the legal body of the labor market. The department,as well as the gradual formation of the public employment service system,still needs to make arduous efforts.