The Netherlands,which had a profound impact on the development of European culture and world culture in history,is now still active in the world and full of vitality and creativity.In order to promote the development of Dutch culture and international cultural exchanges and cooperation,the government of the Netherlands introduced International Cultural Policy Framework,2017-2020 as the guiding document.In the mode of public culture management,the strategic advice agency DutchCulture,which is playing the role of process coordinator,is given a central role in implementing international cultural policy.It will facilitate the formulation of the international cultural policy,encourage Dutch cultural institutions and artists from all over the world to participate in international activities,speed up the development of cultural and creative industries,and conserve the shared cultural heritage.Even as a facilitator of cultural diplomacy,to accelerate the pace of Dutch culture's internationalization.What's more,DutchCulture will monitor and evaluate the cultural development strategies.DutchCulture plays a huge role in Dutch culture development and as a reference,our government needs to realize the importance of creating a specialized agency to coordinate the process of cultural development.We have to develop cultural undertakings and industry simultaneously,absorb social capital into the development of culture.Moreover,we have to strengthen the evaluation of culture development effectiveness and increase cultural legislation to escort the development of culture.