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热词推荐: 能源基础设施


  • 作者:石莹丽出版日期:2018年10月
  • 报告页数:12 页
  • 报告字数:14651 字所属丛书:
  • 所属图书:太平洋岛国研究(第二辑)
  • 浏览人数:0    下载次数:0




The earliest history of Chinese in Samoa can be dated back to the 1880s. Those Chinese were transported to Samoa as indentured labour. They were treated as paid slaves and cheap commodity with poor working conditions and low social class at that time. From 1949 to 1975,the majority of Chinese in Samoa were those indentured labourers who arrived before 1949. At that time,these Chinese ran their shops in several areas and gained the voting power of parliament members like European people. But the second Chinese Generation could not speak Chinese and they were thoroughly integrated into the local society. Since Samoa established diplomatic relations with China in 1975,there have been three categories of Chinese who came to Samoa,in terms of Human Resources Aid,Infrastructure Aid and owners of Chinese shops and factories. Those volunteers from China Aid were called Yellow-Man and Jasmine from the East. In addition,these owners became increasingly influential and wealthy through the expansion of their businesses. Most of them became permanent residents and they were regarded as the rich people in Samoa. These changes of the public image and social class of Chinese in Samoa and Chinese-Samoan are in accordance with the Chinese modern history,which is also related closely to China's rapid development and Chinese people's hard work.
