The “democracy promotion” of the US and EU had an important influence on the political transition in the Middle East. There are four points in the policy logic of Western “democracy promotion”,including:to seek stability in the Middle East and warantce the Western interests;to practice the democratic peace theory and to set dominant position in Middle East again;to attempts to potentially affect the Islamic culture;to take the democracy as a prerequisite for the free market economy. US launched the Middle East Partnership Initiative,Great Middle East Initiative and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. European Neighbourhood Policy were introduced by EU in the policy frame. “democracy promotion” caused the regional turmoil whilst promoted the political transition in the Middle East after Arab Upheaval. The “democracy promotion” policies are reasonably to be failure,because there are historical traditions,culture and social structure in the Middle East. The Middle East countries only to be endogenous political change can take the political sustainable development.
Keywords: | “Democratic Transition”Middle East UpheavalTransition ModelPromotion Policies of US and EU |