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2017年对沙特阿拉伯而言是大变革的一年。自6月萨勒曼国王废侄立子、萨勒曼父子分别担任国王和王储以来,王位继承顺序发生重大改变,沙特迎来“萨勒曼王朝”,结束了其建国以来始终贯彻的兄终弟及王位继承制。在新王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼的领导下,沙特大力推行“2030愿景”规划,经济社会改革步入新阶段,沙特进入由“保守与单一” 转向“温和与多样化”的新时期。11月,所谓反腐风暴又将沙特推向国际舆论的风口浪尖。但总体来看,沙特这场改革浪潮充满着太多不确定因素,本文拟以沙特王位继承问题为切入点,从政治、经济、社会领域三个方面着手,对近两年沙特政经改革及其前景进行分析。


2017 was a year of great change for Saudi Arabia. Since June, King Salman Ritsuko, Salman and his son respectively as king and Crown Prince, the succession of the throne has changed significantly, Saudi Arabia ushered in the "Salman Dynasty", the end of its founding has always been implemented in the brother and the throne succession system. Under the leadership of the new crown Prince Muhammad Ben Saleman, Saudi Arabia has vigorously implemented the "2030 Vision" plan, the economic and social reform went into a new stage, the Saudi Arabia changed from "conservative and single" to "moderate and diversification" of the new era. In November, the so-called anti-corruption storm pushed Saudi Arabia to the forefront of international opinion. But in general, the reform wave of Saudi Arabia is full of uncertain factors, this paper intends to take the issue of the succession of the Saudi throne, from the aspects of political, economic and social fields, analyzes Saudi political and economic reform and its prospects in recent two years.