2017年1月17日,国家主席习近平在达沃斯国际会议中心出席世界经济论坛2017年年会开幕式,并发表题为《共担时代责任 共促全球发展》的主旨演讲,他指出,“一带一路”成果丰硕,“朋友圈”正不断扩大。“一带一路”倡议来自中国,但成效惠及世界。同时,随着“一带一路”建设的深入推进,各种风险和消极因素的影响不容忽视,亟须政府、企业、组织和个人等探索相应的对策,推动“一带一路”建设的发展。
President Xi made a keynote speech on the opening ceremony of the 2017 World Economic Forum at Davos on Jan. 17th,2017,titled Shouldering the Responsibilities of Our Age together and Promoting Global Development. President Xi pointed out that the BRI is giving birth to fruitful results while the circle of friends is becoming larger and larger. BRI comes from China while its fruits are benefiting the world. With the intensive unfolding of the BRI,various risks and negative factors are by no means to be ignored. Governments,businesses,organizations and individuals are supposed to explore countermeasures to promote development.
Keywords: | CountermeasuresBelt and RoadRisk |