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本文旨在梳理2016年7月澳大利亚联邦大选后一年半中的重大政治问题。在此期间,澳政府并没有完全实现联盟党(自由党及国家党)当初的政治诉求。过去18个月的新闻民调结果显示,在政府支持率上,特恩布尔政府的民意支持率落后于工党。不过,在总理支持率上,特恩布尔一直保持优势,领先于对手工党领袖比尔·肖顿(Bill Shorten)。特恩布尔政府执政期已经过半,显而易见,执政联盟要想在2019年的大选中阻击工党上位,必须提升政策执行效率。本文将介绍第45届议会主要讨论的重大政策议题,尤其是经济政策、能源政策、同性婚姻平权和教育政策,以及六位议员因拥有双重国籍而失去议席的宪法问题。


This article traces the major political issues in the 18 months since the election in July 2016. The period has been marked by the government’s inability to fully develop a program which meets the political wishes of both Coalition parties. It is clear from the polls that the Turnbull government is unpopular falling behind Labor as the preferred government for the last 18 polls conducted by Newspoll. At the same time,however,Turnbull remains as the preferred Prime Minister over his rival,Bill Shorten of the Labor Party. We are now at the mid-point of the Turnbull government and it is clear that the Coalition needs to gain more traction with their policies if they are to prevent Labor from winning the next election,due in 2019. The following sections outline major policy issues that have dominated the 45th Parliament,specifically economic policy,energy policy,marriage equality,and education policies. The final section deals with a constitutional issue which has seen six members of Parliament lose their seats as a result of maintaining dual citizenship,and at the time of writing it is likely that more members of Parliament will also lose their seats.

〔澳〕克里斯·奥力克:克里斯·奥力克(Chris Aulich),堪培拉大学管理与政策学院客座教授,新南威尔士大学堪培拉校区兼职教授。