人民币纳入SDR 篮子,成为其第三大货币,是人民币国际化、迈入国际储备货币行列的重大里程碑,也为国内企业“走出去”提供了重要机遇。未来5~10年,江苏企业要以构建本土企业主导的人民币计价的全球价值链为方向,加快培育参与和引领国际经济合作竞争新优势,促进中国标准、江苏品牌的输出。在具体战略实施上,可以协同利用对发达国家的逆梯位FDI、对发展中国家的顺梯位FDI和以获取自然资源为主的利用型FDI形式。同时,政府应提供推动人民币国际化和便利投资的各项服务进行配套支持。
With the inclusion in special drawing right (SDR) basket and as its third largest currency,it’s a milestone for the internationalization of RMB,which brings grate opportunity for domestic enterprises “going out”. In next 5 to 10 years,Jiangsu enterprises should aim to build the RMB dominated global value chains of their own by nurturing and leading new advantages in international cooperation,and promote the output of China standard and Jiangsu brand. About the detailed strategy,there could be the combinations of the upstairs FDI in developed countries,the down stairs FDI in developing countries and the resource-related FDI. Meanwhile,government should support the supplementary services and convenience.
Keywords: | InternationalizationValue ChainsFDI |