In recent years,as China’s economy steps into the “new normal” stage,the growth of electricity consumption slows down,and the structure have to be continually readjusted for the development. The mainspring of growth is changing. In addition,the installed generation capacity increases rapidly,and overall the supply of electricity is sufficient,but relatively superfluous in parts of China. The utilization hours of thermal power continues to fall. Meanwhile,the reform of electric power system carried out largely and quickly in China,and gratifying progress has been made in the reform of the electric transmission and distribution price,the opening of generation and utilization,readjustment and optimizing the ownership structure,building electricity trading market as well as the reform of the sale-side. The growth of electricity consumption in 2017 is expected to slow down,compared with 2016. As a whole,the power supply capacity remained with adequate margin. In China,the reform of electric power system is in the stage of storming fortification. With the influence of rising thermal coal prices and imbalance between supply and demand,the degree of marketization will continued to develop,and the electricity of plan in control area will continue to shrink. More intense competition will appear in power generation enterprises,especially the coal-electricity enterprises,risk of loss will increase in 2017. At the same time,the reform of sale-side will be continued,and the enterprises of power sale will enter a period of adjustment. The number of enterprise will be deduct,while the quality and the ability to participate in the market will be improved. The range of the power selling reformation will be widened by incremental distribution network project,multi-energy Supplement System demonstration project,energy Internet demonstration project,and these projects will establish foundation for the market-based reform of distribution network,which will bring a great investment chance and growth space.
Keywords: | Electricity SupplyDemand for ElectricityThe Reform of Electric Power SystemPower Marketization |