IP(Intellectual Property)是产业化进程下经济资本注入文本生产的产物,互联网平台与文本原创机构合力打造明星IP。明星IP是具有广泛受众基础和多元开发价值的版权内容,根据内容的生产时间和影响力的持久性,可将明星IP分为老经典(Old Classic)、新经典(New Classic)和快时尚(Fast Fashion)三种。随着文化产业版权开发流程的成熟,文化资源向文化商品的转化过程也发生了改变,版权复制与版权分化成为关键环节。在文化创意企业对明星IP进行改编开发前,文化资源IP化的过程分为原创内容的孵化、优质内容的筛选以及版权协议的签署三个环节。
Recently,Intellectual Property(IP)becomes a popular issue in the field of cultural industries because of the capital injections in content production under the process of industrialization. Star IP is a kind of Intellectual Properties which have a large number of fans and significant franchise value. From the time of content production and the persistence of influence,Star IPs can be classified into three categories:Old Classic,New Classic and Fast Fashion. As the process of copyright development becomes mature,the transformation process from content to commodities changes as well. The duplication and franchise of Intellectual Properties play an important role in cultural industries. Before the duplication and adaptation,the process of media franchise includes three steps:creation of original content,selection of high-quality content and signature of copyright agreement.