The 13th Five-Year unveils the golden opportunity for China to deepen reform,innovation and the cooperation among Hong Kong,Zhuhai and Macau. Hengqin,as the vital platform spearheading the reform and innovation to bridge with the globe,is the destination of the implementation of the FTA pilot strategy. Located next to Macau,Hengqin is linked with the SAR in a shared community featuring forward-looking insight. Besides,Hengqin supports Macao to diversify its economy appropriately. Promoting the coordinated development of tourism in Macau is of vital significance to its construction of “the World Tourism and Leisure Center” and Hengqin’s objective to construct an “International Leisure Tourism Island”. Macao and Hengqin should explore innovative ideas,cooperative mode,and cooperative mechanism under the setting of coordinated tourism advancement,striving to create a diversified industry under a flexible mode,thus,leading to the consistent progress of related industries.