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热词推荐: 能源基础设施


  • 作者:陈荆和 王潞系 程淑娟 徐素琴出版日期:2016年07月
  • 报告页数:49 页
  • 报告字数:46572 字所属丛书:
  • 所属图书:海洋史研究(第九辑)
  • 浏览人数:0    下载次数:5


广义上讲,广南指的是从16世纪下半叶开始直到18世纪结束阮主统治下的全部疆域。在阮主统治最鼎盛的时期,它包括了现在的越南中部和越南南部相当大的一部分区域。交趾支那(Cochinchina)亦指这一地区,这是同一时期欧洲人对其之称呼,而安南、广南国或河内国是17世纪和18世纪中日航海家及商人对其之称呼。狭义上讲,广南代表的仅仅是现在的广南省,即阮朝时期的广南营。有一个需要说明的空间概念:这一地区以前是象林县的一部分,而象林县属于中国汉代时期的日南郡。此后,这一地区也被认为是早期占城王国的阿摩罗底地区(译者按:Amaravati,占婆语音译,占城国的北部区域)。BEFEO,t.III,p.639,Note 5.笔者认为Amaravati与《临邑记》中记载的马援军队的后人“马流”一词相同。详见拙作《临邑建国之始祖人物:区连、区怜》,《学术评论》第五卷第二号,1956,第12页。">[1]17世纪40年代,著名的法国耶稣会士亚历山大·罗德(Alexandre de Rhodes)在中越及北越从事传教工作,称广南为Cacciam,Cacham或Province de Ciam;称广南营为Dinh Ciam或Ciam Dinh;称广南


As a result of intensive historical investigation carried out in Hoi-an in 1960 with the collaboration of the Viện Kháo Cố(Historical Research Institute)of Saigon,I was able to collect a number of Chinese inscriptions,epitaphs,tombstone markings and other historical materials of great interest. Through these materials,the study centered around three issues:the historical setting and the opening of Hội an,its development in trade,Minh-Hu’o’ng-Xã,religious temples and assembly halls of Hội-an. Based on this study’s discussions,there are several conclusions to be made.

Hội-an became a port of foreign trade with emphsis on the Chinese and Japanese junk trade,shortly after the establishment of the Quòng-nam-ding by the Nyuyêns in 1602. The number of overseas Chinese traders residing in Hội-an was reported as 4000-5000 in 1642,about 6000 in 1744,and 10000 in 1750. Under the hard works of Chinese traders,the various renovations by the Lord Vó-Vùong,and the changes of oversea trade circumstances in Asia,Hội-an entered a golden age of commerce around 1750. But during the Tay Son revolt and the ensuing period of disruption,it was unable to escape from the devastation of interial wars. Until the re-unification by Emperor Gia-long in 1802,returned a considerable number of Chinese residents in Quòng-nam. Hội-an rejuvenated gradually for almost 100 years. However,as time goes on,the Faifo River becoming narrow and shallow,the trade of Hội-an could not escape from the destiny of decline and fall.

At the first years of the Chinese residents in Hội-an,they were almost traders and might be divided three categories. But after the fall of Ming Dynasty in 1644,numberous Chinese refugees and Ming officials rushed into this town. It is the most fundamental cause for the establishment of the Minh-Hu’o’ng-Xã. The Minh-Hu’o’ng-Xã of Hội-an was the first village of this sort ever established within the domain of the Nyuyên lords about 1653. The inhabitants of the Minh-Hu’o’ng-Xã in Hội-an have traditionally worshipped the people “Tiên Hiên”,which have been divided into four groups:Thap Láo,Lu Tińh,Tam Gia,and individuals.

The Chinese residents in Hội-an worshipped many divinities. Quan-Thánh(关帝)occopies the main altar of the Quan-Thánh temper. Immediately behind the temper,there is a Buddhist temple of Quan am(观音). Bao Sinh Đai-dệ(保生大帝)has long been enshrined in the Cảm-hà temple(锦霞宫),while Thien-hau(天后)and other subsidiary deities have been worshipped mostly in the hai-binh temple(海平寺),Trung-hoa Hội-quan(中华会馆)and Phuc-Kien Hội-quan(福建会馆). Quang-trieu Hội-qúan(泉州会馆)has been dedicated to the cult of Thien-hau and Quan-Thánh. Trieu-Chau Hội-qúan(潮州会馆)and Quynh-phú Hội-qúan(琼府会馆)are designed for the worship of local tutelary deities related to their home province,such as Ma Viện(马援)and 108 Hinanese merchants. Finally,The Lai-Vien-Kieu(来远桥,日本桥)was built by the Chinese rather the Japanese residents,although it’s figures and some animal figures commonly seen in the practice of popular religious beliefs in Japan,such as “Inari”(Fox)worship.
