The language used in the daily life by the Hui Muslims is Chinese,but it is deeply influenced by Arabic,which is obviously different from that of the Han Chinese. They are using a large number of Arabic and Persian phrases and vocabulary words,which their ancestors used before,and the number of Arabic vocabulary words and its influence is biggest. A large proportion of the Arabic words that come from transliteration. In this paper,the author take the use of Muslim Islamic terminology,hymns and jewelultra words,holiday words and phrases,Arabic names and surnames and the funeral ceremony,the church education in the daily life of the Arabic transliteration vocabulary,as a starting point,with the aid of related theories and viewpoints by means of linguistics,and comparing Chinese and Arabic,focus on the Hui Muslim language in Arabic transliteration words and their usage,in order to reveal and analysis to the pragmatic,precipitated national psychology and culture.
Keywords: | HuiMuslimsLanguageArabicTransliteration |