Use of guizhou province since 1993 spending on social security and poverty population statistics, through the vector autoregression model and multiple regression model analyzes the total spending on social security, poverty reduction effect of different main spending and spending. The results of the study show that the total expenditure of social security in guizhou is a long-term reduction in the number of poor people. From points main spending, government fiscal social security expenditure and rural individual increased spending on social security would be helpful for reducing the number of poverty population, and corporate spending on social security and urban individual increased spending on social security for the reduction in the number of poor people have no obvious effect; In terms of project expenditures, social security is the best in poverty reduction, social welfare and social assistance. This paper gives an explanation of the data analysis results from the perspective of the theory and the development of social security system in guizhou.
Keywords: | The PoorPoverty Reduction EffectSocial Security ExpendituresMain SpendingProject Expenditures |