During the Edo period,Nagasaki is the only foreign trade port to China and the Netherlands.There were many different goods from China to Japan,including many books. And among these books,many are about the art of calligraphy.The art of calligraphy was introduced to Japan as important trade goods.Chinese commercial ships(known as “Tang” ship then)transported many rubbings of famous Chinese calligraphers,for example,Yan Zhenqing in Tang Dynasty Among these rubbings introduced to Japan were also“Yan Zhenqing Sangao”and copies of calligraphy model by Yan Zhenqing the most well-known.This thesis focuses on “Yan Zhenqing Sangao” and explore how it is exported to Japan as trade goods.
Keywords: | JapanThe Edo PeriodNagasaki TradeYan ZhenqingYan Zhenqing SangaoCopies of Calligraphy Model |