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热词推荐: 能源基础设施


  • 作者:包乐史出版日期:2015年03月
  • 报告页数:27 页
  • 报告字数:29756 字所属丛书:
  • 所属图书:海洋史研究(第七辑)
  • 浏览人数:0    下载次数:0


在十七和十八世纪,北欧在亚洲的商业扩张和殖民势力形成了一种典型的早期现代商业机构的框架——特许东印度公司。迄今为止,规模最大、实力最强的东印度公司是荷兰联合东印度公司(VOC,1602~1800)和英属东印度公司(EIC,1600~1858)。自始至终,荷兰联合东印度公司(后文简称荷印公司)凭借它独特的组织和在市场上的垄断行为,几乎成为跨越整个近代早期前工业化时代的象征。如果说在“古老的”全球化时代,对亚洲的长途贸易仍然需要垄断性质的企业,那么大约始于1800年的原全球化时代(proto-globalization),海外市场的整合达到一定程度,使得组织框架过时的这些贸易公司成为局外人。对其在这200年间的运作进行一个简单的量化研究,将会展现荷印公司在贸易以及欧亚之间人员的流动方面所发挥的显著作用。1602~1794年,共有4789艘荷印公司的商船向亚洲输出了大约57.5亿荷兰盾和价值约30亿荷兰盾的欧洲货物,用作交易并维持公司运作和雇员生活。The Archives of the Dutch East India Company(1602-1795).’s-Gravenhage:Sdu Uitgeverij,1992.">[1]在航行到东印度地区的近百


The early modern European seaborne empires played a particular role within global history because they linked the continents via the oceanic routes for the first time.The Spanish and Portuguese empires and a century later the Dutch and English displayed outstanding institutional features which set them apart from earlier times and also from each other.This paper focuses on one specific institution that shaped North European expansion into Asia during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in crucial ways:the chartered joint stock company and more especially the Dutch East India Company(VOC).The Dutch commercial expansion and colonial presence in Asia are discussed in this paper in terms of the establishment and organization of VOC,the strategies,blueprint and creator of the Dutch commercial empire in the Orient,war and diplomacy,the rendezvous and its trade network in Asia,and ultimately the change of fortunes at the end of the 18th century.

包乐史:作者系荷兰莱顿大学(Universiteit Leiden)人文学院历史研究所教授、厦门大学南洋研究院客座教授,曾兼任莱顿大学欧洲扩张史研究中心主任。