The security situation in China’s periphery during the year 2015 can be summarized into one sentence:The gaming between big powers became more intensive,but the overall power structure was stable,with the issues of hot spots were more outstanding but still controllable. In the shaping of China’s peripheral security environment,the construction for a new type of major power relationship was placed on a very important position and regarded as a key link for China to implement a strategy of creating an innovative stability and taking pioneering initiatives. Of all the changes of security situation around China,the issues related to South China Sea became even more tense,the probability of conflicts in the Korean Peninsula was increased,and the risks in the Diaoyu Islands and East China Sea were still existing. The year 2016 will be an eventful year because the tensions of some confrontational hot spots will continue and the chain effects of big powers’ gaming will be spread. The most important missions for China to safeguard its peripheral security are to manage and control disagreements properly,maintain an overall stability in its neighboring countries,and avoid an impact to the whole situation brought by some local or partial disruptions,so that a macro environment for peaceful development can be preserved and sustained.