Influenced by the global and the mainland economic recovery slowdown,United Kingdom’s referendum out of the EU,the surrounding market competition,the increased social contradicton of Hongkong,and other factors,Hongkong’s overall economic growth keeps weak,inbound tourism growth has slowed down,the tourism industry enters an adjustment period in 2016. However,inbound market has new changes in structure and patterns of consumption.
Hongkong SAR(Special Administrative Region)government will implement short,medium and long-term measures to reduce operating costs of tourism industry,and enhance its attractiveness and competitiveness. The Mainland will remain Hongkong’s biggest tourist source market. National strategies will provide opportunities for deepening tourism cooperation between the Mainland and Hongkong. Regional tourism cooperation will promote driving force of Hongkong tourism development. Hong Kong’s tourism industry will be still in a period of adjustment in 2016~2017.