1891年,多伦多大学知名教授戈尔德温·史密斯(Goldwin Smith)写了《加拿大与加拿大问题》这本著名却备受争议的书。史密斯认为,加拿大是一个不自然而又虚伪的国家,他坚称加拿大政府体系劣于美国模式,由于地理、种族、经济和政治等各种原因,加拿大简直就是荒诞之地。因此他认为,加拿大的宿命可能也就是成为美国的一部分。一代又一代的加拿大政治领导人证明史密斯的观点是错误的。然而,到了21世纪,加拿大又面临另一个重要且具有争议的问题,那就是加拿大是否准备好脱离美国的势力范围,加入由中国设想的国际新秩序。未来中加关系的发展以及加拿大的经济繁荣就取决于对这个问题的回答。本报告以论述加拿大史以及研究自1970年中加建交以来中加关系为大背景,总结了《中澳协定》的相关教训,表达了对《中加自由贸易协定》的赞许,并指出建设更紧密的中加关系可能会遭遇的障碍,总结了如何应对中国问题。
In 1891 a professor at the University of Toronto,Goldwin Smith,wrote a famous and highly controversial book call Canada and the Canadian Question. He argued that Canada was an unnatural and artificial entity. He maintained that the Canadian system of government was inferior to the American model and that Canada was an absurdity for geographic,ethnic,economic and political reasons. Its ultimate destiny,he thought,would be absorption by the United States. Generations of Canadian political leaders have proven Goldwin Smith wrong. In the 21st century the country faces another important and equally controversial question. Is Canada prepared to move out of the American orbit and align itself with the new world order envisaged by China?The future of Canada-China relations to say nothing of Canada’s economic prosperity depend on the answer to that question. This paper places the discussion in the context of Canadian history and surveys the Canada-China relationship since establishment of diplomatic relations in 1970. It outlines arguments in favour of a free trade agreement and lessons of the recently concluded China-Australia Free Trade Agreement. The article points out obstacles and impediments to closer Canada-China relations and concludes with an answer to the China question.
Keywords: | Canada-China RelationsChinaHistoryCanada |