On October 19,2015,the result of the 42nd Canadian federal election came out and the Federal Liberal Party led by Justin Trudeau won a majority in parliement with 184 seats in the House of Common and established a new federal government. The Federal Conservative Party led by Stephen Harper got 99 seats,the New Democratic Party(NDP)44 seats,the Quebec Bloc 10 seats,and the Green Party just one seat. Chinese Canadians participated in the federal election very actively. There are 25 Chinese elites who were nominated to represent different parties to participate in the election and six of them won. Chinese Associations have been engaging in electoral education and encouraging Chinese Canadians to participate in voter registration and voting and have made much progress. Chinese Canadians participated in voting and electioneering actively and their votes are sought by every federal party,that played a key role in the election. In the future,with the continuing increase of Chinese Canadian population both in quantity and quality,the promotion of and their economic and social status and the wakeup of their political consciousness,they will participate in politics more actively to maintain their legal rights,to propel Canadian social progress and to promote China-Canada relations.