保护性备灾措施对企业的连续性运营非常重要。本文分析了来自美国加州地区933家企业的备灾模式和主要影响因素。数据来源于美国特拉华大学灾害研究中心在1997年通过问卷调查方式搜集的资料,主要地点是受1989年Loma Prieta地震影响的地区。因子分析结果显示企业的保护性备灾措施可以分为4类:规划类,资源准备类,知识学习类和保险购买类。回归分析结果表明企业规模、之前的因灾损失和决策者的风险认知是总体上影响企业备灾措施的显著因素。此外,位于不同领域的企业在采取保护性备灾措施方面也有所不同,金融/保险/不动产行业更倾向于采取备灾措施。另外,不同的因素在规划、资源准备、知识学习和保险购买4个维度的效果也不太一致。最后,在基于上面分析结果的基础上探讨了一些政策建议和未来研究方向。
Disaster preparedness (protective) activities are very important for business continuity. However,few studies have explored this issue in last several decades. This paper reanalyzed the disaster preparedness (protective) activity patterns and determinants from a business & disaster research dataset which included 933 business organizations. This dataset was collected by the Disaster Research Center in 1997 from Santa Cruz County,California which was hardly hit by the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake using mailed questionnaire surveys. Factor analysis results indicated that the protective activities in these business organizations had four patterns:planning/training,resource preparation,knowledge enrichment,and insurance purchasing. OLS regression model revealed that the significant determinants of overall protective activities in business organizations were firm size,which was measured by the number of employees;lifeline loss which was the proxy of disaster disruption experience and decision maker’s risk perception. Also,the variance between different business sectors,especially between the wholesale/retail and Finance/Insurance/Real estate was significant. However,the effects of these influential factors on the four different protective activity patterns varied in the four separated models. Finally,some implementation and limitation of this analysis discussed.