The unprecedented European refugee crisis that broke out in 2015 will have multiple effects on the European economy,society,culture,politics and the European integration. Firstly,it will severely damage the recovery of the European economy. Secondly,it will deteriorate the situations of non-traditional national security and public security and exacerbate the split between different social groups. Thirdly,it will reinforce the conflicts between the Muslim religious values and the mainstream values of the European countries. Fourthly,it will give an impetus to the far-right parties to stage possible comeback,who hold anti-immigration flag and will probably change the political landscape of some European countries with a possible turn to the right. Lastly,the European refugee crisis has highlighted the internal fragmentation within the European Union. In sum,the European integration and the European Union itself is facing severe challenges.
Keywords: | European Refugee CrisisMuslim RefugeesValue ConflictsEuropean IntegrationDisintegration of the EU |