2014年,欧盟政治的关键词是“选举”和“换届”。5月下旬,28个欧盟成员国进行了第八次欧洲议会选举,产生了新一届欧洲议会。随后,欧盟成员国与欧洲议会围绕下一届欧盟委员会主席的人选展开了博弈,最终人民党候选人容克当选。容克提出的《政治指导原则》(Political Guidelines)将就业、增长、公平和民主变革等内容纳入议程,确立了欧盟委员会的政策优先事项。新一届欧洲理事会主席及外交和安全事务高级代表的人选体现出区域、党派和性别的平衡。未来欧盟机构将在艰难中进一步推进欧洲一体化。
The key words for the EU politics in 2014 are election and leadership change. At the end of May,the EU citizens cast their ballots to elect the 8 European Parliament. Following tough negotiations among the member states and the European Parliament,Jean-Claude Juncker,the candidate of the European Peoples’ Party,was finally elected to be the next president of the European Commission. The Political Guidelines proposed by Juncker put jobs,growth,fairness and democratic change on the agenda. The choice of the new president of the European Council and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy reflected a balance between regions,parties and gender. The European institutions will further the European integration despite the difficulties in the future.