Electric power has entered every field of social and economic life,and has become the essential energy basis for the development of the society. Electric power industry includes power generation,transmission,distribution and sale of electricity sectors. Today electric production and transmission technology develop rapidly,different sectors in the power industries have different economic characteristics. The management mode of our country electric power system took vertical integration monopoly operating system for a long time. Since the 1980s,electric power industry began to reform gradually,and the marketization of electricity has made great progress,but there still exists many problems. Due to the special nature of power market structure,transaction structure and balance market,China is faced with the risk of rising prices,restricting economic development,coordination mechanism and so on in promoting market-oriented reform. As China’s economic development enters into the new normal,power development has also entered a new normal. Under the new normal,deepening the reform of the electric power market is faced with many challenges,we should use the successful experience of Britain,the United States and the EU electricity market reform for reference,combine with current situation of the development of electric power industry and characteristics of power market,optimize the power supply structure and layout in further deepening the reform of the electricity market,promote the price reform and power system reform,establish and perfect the power supervision system and financial markets for electricity,and thus promote the reform of the electricity market to a new level.
Keywords: | Electricity MarketCharacteristics of Market Main BodyElectricity Financial MarketsElectric Power SystemElectricity Regulatory |