In terms of the border region of Yunnan,drug crimes is difficult to control,border controls predicament is only one reason. Breaking through the border controls will help to curb drug crimes and maintain border security. Yunnan’s border controls in the “very difficulty to control with edge”,originate from objective reasons including countless entry or exit lanes,sidewalks in the region,no natural barrier on both sides of the border,mountains and rivers linked together,and habits of grazing across border,visiting relatives and friends for inhabitants of the border area and other staff,also many problems in the current border control mechanism which leave space for drug crimes of illegal immigration and a large number of drug illegal behavior. Thus those above cause the “very difficulty to control with edge”. Breaking through the dilemma of the border control and the fight against drug crimes need updated concept,adjusted policy and improved legal system,in addition,strengthened international cooperation improved judicial cooperation mechanism.
Keywords: | DilemmaBorder ControlsDrug Crimes |