2010~2011年,奥地利、瑞士两国的国内政局平稳。2011年10月下旬,瑞士将进行四年一度的议会大选,产生新的议会和联邦委员会。 2010~ 2011年是经济危机的恢复时期,但欧盟却被日益严重的债务危机所困扰,奥地利经济复苏在这样的背景下或多或少受到冲击,经济缓慢增长,失业率在全欧盟最低。瑞士出口贸易的迅速增长对本国经济起到了有效的拉动作用。此外,奥地利、瑞士在这一年中社会稳定、物价平稳,移民问题依然是两国政府关注的焦点。2010~2011年奥地利、瑞士与中国的关系发展良好,从官方到民间的互访、交流与合作频繁,在经贸领域更是取得丰硕的成果。中国所扮演的贸易合作伙伴角色对奥地利、瑞士的经济发展起到了不容忽视的作用。
In the year 2011 the Netherlands governing coalition achieved a narrow victory in the elections in the House of Representatives. However, the political and social problems it is encountering are too severe to be ignored. For Belgium, it swore in a new government ending a 541-day political deadlock without a government, but the year still saw the normal functioning of state and a continuous economic growth, in spite of the divisions between the Dutch and French-speaking camps. In Luxembourg, economic growth continues but unemployment remains a problem hard to deal with. On the international arena, the Benelux countries held a "common position" towards the Libya issue. As to their relationships with China, all the three of them have participated in the EU-China Year of Youth 2011 by organizing a wide range of activities.