The collapse of the Soviet Union has its 20-years history. Now people over the territory of the former Soviet Union are facing more and more political,economic and social problems. Through Western eyes,no one of the former Soviet republics including Ukraine where the “Orange Revolution” took place has really become a democratic country. The majority of the countries including Russia not only couldn’t realize economic growth and structural optimization in their market transition process,but also led to the economic decline. The situation has turned for the better only in recent years,and economic development of only Azerbaijan,Belarus,Kazakhstan,Russia,Turkmenistan and Baltic countries surpassed that in 1990 and 1991. In addition,in Russia,Kazakhstan and other countries,the social polarization between the rich and the poor has become serious. 10% of the richest people holding 80% of countries’ income. In this case,if the income gap will be further widened,and the injustice of natural resources and social asset allocation will continue,still more severe social conflicts or disturbances may break out in the above-mentioned regions.