In 2011,the Communist Party of Russian Federation won near 20 percent of the votes at the sixth State Duma election and entered the new State Duma as the largest opposition party. The raise of approval rating of the Communist Party of Russian Federation derived from a number of internal and external reasons. The reflection of the people on the system and changes of the Communist Party of Russian Federation in the new era and new situation were the main reason. The influence of Communist Party of Russian Federation did not return to the top level of its history at the State Duma elections as in 2011. How to overcome the inner continuous splits and struggles and to unite with all forces that can be united is a biggest problem which the Party must face. In the new stage the report of the 2nd Session of the 14th Congress of the Communist Party of Russian Federation is the programmatic document for guiding struggle,new foreign policies in three fields and seven new economic policies as well as five social priorities were proposed to response to the five threats brought by capitalism to Russia,those five main problems were serious inequality of the society,population catastrophe,economic collapse,degradation of social spirit and ethics,descend of national defense and losing of main allies.