On account of the shock of sovereign debt crisis, Asian economy fell into a dilemma in which external downturn risk coexist with internal inflation risk, and its growth will slow down inevitably, but it will act as an engine of global economy. Sustained growth in Asia has attracted more outsiders' attention. Washington's return to Asia strategy has been put into force in 2011. The strategy not only be in the interest of United States, but also cater to the needs of the hedge strategy in some Asian countries. As a result, China's surrounding environment is going into highly unstable phase: because of TPP, the East-Asian regional economic integration process China has pursued may stagnate; Outsiders seek new common interest with insiders in Asia; with the help of outsiders, some small Asian countries try to harm China's core interest, e.g. South-China Sea Issue; China's surrounding is becoming an arena of great powers. Thus, China needs to correctly handle contradictions with its neighbors by new idea.