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热词推荐: 能源基础设施





With the entering of the second decade of 21st century,international setup and the power balance of the main players have experiencing tremendous change and readjustment.The cooperation between the developing countries has also been developing vigorously.Comparing with the unity and cooperation based on anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism since the Bandung Conference in 1955,the new round of re-approach and strategic cooperation between Asia and Africa in the era of globalization is based on mutual benefial for economic development and aims for improving the leverage power of the developing countries as a whole in the world stage.The change from BRIC to BRICS has vividly promulgated the developing trend and the nature.Moreover,with the transition from G8 to G20 serving as the new platform for global economic governance,African countries will rely on Asian countries more and more,particularly China and India,to help Africa for fighting the negative impact of the financial crisis on Africa.Being the two most populous countries and fast developing countries in the world,the engagement and embrace of China and India with Africa will certainly strengthen the unity of Asia and Africa and will also have very important historic meaning for pushing forward the South-South cooperation.

贺文萍:中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所研究员、博士生导师。兼任察哈尔学会高级研究员,中国国际问题研究基金会研究员。美国国务院“国际访问学者”。南非斯泰伦博什大学中国研究中心客座研究员以及世界经济论坛(非洲)全球议程委员会委员(2009~2011)。曾在美国耶鲁大学、英国伦敦大学、瑞典北欧非洲研究所、德国发展研究所以及巴西金砖国家研究中心客座研究。研究领域为非洲政治及非洲国际关系。主要著述:《非洲国家民主化进程研究》(独著,2005)、The Balancing Act of China’s Africa Policy(英文论文,2007)、《中国与非洲关系60年》(论文,2009)以及《开展“以人为本”的对非公共外交》(论文,2014)等。