A-Share Market oscillated in 2013 with weakly downward trend,though Second-board Market soared. The debt market has drawn an inverted U-shape curve,ending in bear market with a bigger size. Trading Volume and turnover of the commodity market went historically high. VE/PE began to pick up slowly. Mutual funds,as a whole,earned positive return,while average size of new issued funds decreased. Both real estate investment and house prices continually increased. Total assets of the trust industry exceeded 10 trillion yuan,but the growth rate of newly issued trust plans dropped sharply. Bank financial products’ return has been climbing up. In 2014,under the background of macroeconomic slight decline,reform deepening,and liquidity tight balance,we expect a slight rise in the stock market. Bond market and commodity market would continue downturn. House price might go up in moderate pace. The yields of financial products sold by commercial banks,as well as that of trust products,are expected to ascend. Thank to re-opening of IPO,venture capital and private equity market will recover.
Keywords: | OutlookInvestment MarketReview |