More and more countries are considering incorporating competition clauses in its free trade agreements to prevent global hard-core cartels.Competition clauses involve provisions for adoption,maintenance and application of competition rules,provisions for mechanism of coordination and cooperation in the process of implementation of competition law,provisions for prohibition of anticompetitive business conduct such as anticompetitive agreements,abuse of market power and anticompetitive mergers and acquisitions,provisions for compliance with non-discrimination,procedural fairness and transparency in the application of competition law.The purpose of competition clauses is to avoid trade benefits promoted by FTAs to be eroded by anticompetitive business conduct.Introduction of competition clauses helps promote freedom of regional trade and cooperation and coordination among different competition authorities in the process of their legal enforcement.China shall introduce competition clauses in its FTAs based on promotion of regional trade and investment,protection of competition,prohibition of anticompetitive conduct,minimization of competitive distortion and expansion of government cooperation in the enforcement of competition law.