The establishment of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a remarkable development in the US federal financial consumer protection mechanism after the global financial crisis. As a federal agency,CFPB enjoys highly independence in terms of personnel,finance and administration. The overall purpose of CFPB is to implement and enforce federal consumer financial law to ensure that all consumers have access to markets for consumer financial products and services and that those markets are fair,transparent,and competitive. For this purpose,CFPB are vested with broad regulatory powers including promulgating and enforcing regulatory rules. As a nascent agency,CFPB has borrowed from the past experiences of other federal regulatory agencies in formulating its regulatory approaches,but has also made its own development and innovation,as can be seen from its Rules of Practice for Adjudication Proceedings. In summary,the organization and operation of CFPB reflect new international trends in the protection of financial consumers,and merit further research and learning.
Keywords: | Public ParticipationEmpirical AnalysisConsumer Financial Protection BureauThe Federal Consumer Financial Law |