《谟区查抄本》(The Boxer Codex)为16世纪末期菲律宾极具代表性的民族志抄本绘画,中西合璧的特点以及众多的未解之谜,使其逐渐成为学界关注的热点。本文主要围绕97页插图中的44幅民族志图像展开,探讨其图像的图式来源以及制作过程。文章认为这些由“华人艺术家”所绘制的民族志图像,其所借鉴的男女对偶图式,衍生自欧洲创世神话中的“亚当和夏娃”。而马尼拉的绘制者之所以对“男女同框”式对偶图像情有独钟,则与其参考对象“死亡之舞”密切相关。此外,通过对抄本图像来源和制作的剖析,亦可管窥西班牙殖民初期菲律宾图像制作的具体过程,以及马尼拉的“华人艺术家”们如何将欧洲书籍插图中的欧洲美学与来自中国书籍甚至是陶瓷装饰的东方美学,在位于东西之间的这片岛屿之上融合创新。
The Boxer Codex,a representative Philippine ethnographic codex of the late sixteenth century,has become a hot topic of scholarly interest because of its East-meets-West character and the many unanswered questions. This article focuses on the 44 ethnographic images in the 97 pages of illustrations,exploring their schema origins and production process. The paper argues that the schema “couples and customs”,which was drawn by “Chinese artists”,derived from the “Adam and Eve”. The reason why the artist in Manila put the male and the female on one page is closely linked to the “Dance of Death”. In addition,an analysis of the sources and production of codex images provides a glimpse into the process of image production in the Philippines during the early period of Spanish colonization,and how the “Chinese artists” who were on the archipelago situated between East and West combined the European aesthetic of European book illustrations with the Oriental aesthetic of Chinese books and even ceramic decoration.
Keywords: | The Boxer Codex“Couples and Customs”Chinese ArtistsColonial Image MakingEthnographic Images |