This paper inspected Inexhaustible storehouse of three stage Movement. The Buddhist commandment have some words “inexhaustible goods” or “inexhaustible wealth”,actually partly equal to the Chinese word无尽藏(wujinzang)inexhaustilble treasuries or Inexhausible storehouse subsequent. In the time,Budda permited make porfits for Buddhism. The monasteries has pawnshop in South Dynasties,example for Changsha temple(荆州长沙寺)of Jinzhou Zhaoti temple(荆州招提寺)of Nanjing. Some data about Emperor Liang wudi. Preface for listening expound the texts of Buddhism expound the texts of Buddhismby by Xiao Ziliang(萧子良).
About Sanjiejiao wujienzang,Monka XinXing have 16 inexhaustible storehouse,first for cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrinehis by his monk group. And some data. After the Tang dynasty,some examples about Changshengku(长生库)in the monasteries. Inexhaustible.