Both Mustafa Kemal Atatürk,the founding father of the Republic of Türkiye and Recep Tayyip Erdoǧan,Türkiye’s present president are authoritarian political leaders,and both of them have made great contribution to Türkiye,especially to Türkiye’s economic development. Because of historical and practical reasons,they adopted different economic policies while being in power. In Kemal’s era,Türkiye mainly adopted statism model,while in Erdoǧan’s era,Türkiye manly adopted neoliberal model. The two models are respectively driven by import substitution policy and export-oriented policy. Each model is related to the choice between two different ways of resource distribution,namely planned economy or market economy,and each one results from a rational choice restricted by certain conditions. Each model has its advantages and predicaments. A comparative study of the differences and predicaments of the economic policies adopted in the two eras can provide other developing countries with some useful experiences.
Keywords: | ErdoganEconomic PoliciesTürkiyeKemal |