Artificial Intelligence(AI)has emerged as a significant force for economic transformation. It not only markedly enhances the potential growth rate and productivity of the economy but also propels the evolution of industrial innovation. By refining existing production and delivery processes,AI brings about a comprehensive innovative upgrade to the economic environment,improves production efficiency,and significantly expands the range of products and services,thereby further elevating consumer welfare. Moreover,the application of AI improves resource utilization efficiency,making positive contributions towards the achievement of environmental protection and sustainable development goals. However,the introduction of AI has a notable impact on the labor market. AI possesses a dual characteristic of augmenting and substituting human labor:on the augmenting front,it enhances the efficiency of labor;on the substituting front,it presents a potential threat of structural unemployment. Although labor productivity has improved,the effects of AI on labor income growth remain complex and multifaceted. Due to the significant disparities in technological capabilities and production methodologies between developed and developing countries,AI may bring about profound changes to the global economic landscape,underscoring the importance of appropriate policy and regulatory frameworks to ensure that technological innovations bring shared benefits to all of humanity.