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热词推荐: 能源基础设施


  • 作者:张永钦出版日期:2023年11月
  • 报告页数:12 页
  • 报告字数:12630 字所属丛书:
  • 所属图书:海洋史研究(第十九辑)
  • 浏览人数:0    下载次数:1


2019年初,台湾清华大学出版社发布《闽南—西班牙历史文献丛刊一》(Hokkien Spanish Historical Document Series I)复制套书,其中收录了两份17世纪手稿,分别是收藏于菲律宾圣多玛斯(Santo Tomas)大学档案馆的《西班牙—华语辞典》(Dictionario Hispánico-Sinicum)手稿及西班牙巴塞罗那大学图书馆的《漳州话语法》。这两份手稿呈现了大航海时代下西班牙人与闽南人交流用的语言和生活情境,见证了西班牙人与闽南人的贸易活动,对现代学者了解400多年前西班牙人与闽南人的互动交流有极大帮助。但目前尚未见有学者对《闽南—西班牙历史文献丛刊一》做整体的研究。本研究将对此史料进行研究分析,配合各地现存史料,了解17世纪跨太平洋海上丝绸之路的形成与贸易活动,加深对西班牙人、东南亚闽南人与原住民一些日常生活的认识。


In terms of Hokkien Spanish Historical Document Series I,it is an integration of the historical material of Spanish-Southern Fujian dialect,in which most of the words outline the language and life situation used by Spaniards and Southern Fujian people (Tang people) at that time. At present,Hokkien Spanish Historical Document Series I,contains two manuscripts in the 17th century,which includes about 27000 entries of Southern Fujian dialect,and was completed between 1626 and 1642. As for the main contents,it introduces the conditions of politics,economy and trade in China and Southeast Asia,which also includes the construction of navigation instruments,trade goods and currency value,four seasons and folk festivals,family clan relations,marriage and funeral ceremony,the conduct of getting along with people in the world,money dispute and legal litigation,geographical location and naming,as well as the dispute over religious beliefs and etiquette between the East and the West,etc. As a result,it is the important history material for the study on the maritime economic and cultural exchange of Southern Fujian people in Southeast Asia in the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty,such as the nautical transportation,political diplomacy,trade,the history of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia and so on.
