In 2018,the Central Mediterranean Route saw the smallest number of irregular entries into EU since 2012 and Italy played a significant part in the migration control and management on this route. With the ascent of the M5S-Lega alliance to power,Matteo Salvini,the new Minister of Interior has become the leader of Italian migration control and implemented a series of drastic measures. This essay aims to review Salvini’s immigration policy and analyses his considerations of personal,party and national interests. In closing its ports to NGO ships,Italy has not only reduced unwanted landings,but also contributed to the regulation of NGO operations in Libyan SAR Zone and pressed the EU to improve the migrant redistribution among its member states. Italo-Libyan and Italo-Tunisian cooperation in migration control has made positive achievements and also constituted platforms on which Italy interacts with his North African partners in order to seek new collaborations. The Security and Immigration Decree,nominally aiming to solve security and immigration problems,has actually become Lega’s tool of propaganda,thanks to which Salvini has won more support. In conclusion,his immigration policy is nothing but an instrument for advancing his political interests.