During the period of Hamad and Tamim,problems such as internal and external security threats,insufficient regime legitimacy and lack of national identity have impacted Qatar’s regime security to varying degrees. Regime security is the core goal of Qatar’s national security. Changes in the domestic and regional security environment have caused the rulers’ deep-seated regime insecurity. Maintaining regime security constitutes the logical starting point and main driving force for Qatar’s state behavior and its transformation. Qatar has responded to external shocks and threats to the regime’s security by supporting political Islamic ideology,practicing radical foreign policies,reshaping the country’s image,strengthening nationalist narratives,and deflecting domestic pressure. Through a series of state behavior,Qatar has successfully resisted external security threats such as the “Arab Spring” and the crisis of breaking diplomatic relations,solved the national identity dilemma of groups such as domestic tribes,immigrants and foreign workers,and effectively maintained the security of its own regime.